Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Painting Tutorial - 2D/3D Integration

In this tutorial I go over how I integrate 3D elements into a 2D concept/illustration.

This process involves taking a sketch of the object and using it to model the design in a 3D application. A simple greyscale render is then used in Gimp/Photoshop above set to multiply which creates the lighting and form.

Points of interest:

* Can speed up the painting process, especially for simple designs easily created in 3D.
* Results in crisp paintings.
* Frees up the mind to concentrate on design.
* Is a good guide.
* Creates very good perspective.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Painting - Rural Road

This is the first painting I've done for a while that isn't a study or something project related. To be fair it's "kind of" a study (indirect reference, painted only using a hard round brush and a leaf brush you can see on the left), but it's refined and presentable enough. Click for 1080p.
